This line has just one through train a day on it if you read the comments and this is it. Called “the hotshot”. Hard to believe they pay to keep the line open for only one train a day but UPRR does the same for it’s Sheboygan, WI line and this line is only 47 miles long from the notes.
Wonder what will happen to UP’s Sheboygan line now that coal power plant has been shut down. Used ~950,000 tons of Wyoming coal last year. No more unit trains. Hello W&S?
You would be amazed at the revenue a single train a day - each way - can bring into a company. Especially if the train is approaching the 100 car or more size.
Well, believe it or not railroad car loadings across all the market lines can be used as an Economic Indicator. However…
The Class I railroads will not release detailed financial information to the government beyond what is required by the IRS and AAR. Which is unfortunate but I understand the competitive reasons why they do not. They release carloadings I think in a monthly frequency to the AAR. Would be interesting to know which materials render what % of profit, though I think we can guess that Hazmat is at the top of the list. Intermodal used to be towards the bottom of the list but I am guessing it’s risen on volume.
Anyways, would be nice to have a ranking by railroad what types of carloads are the most profitable and which are the least profitable as well more details on traffic composition. I know some Economists that would love to get their hands on that raw data.
Carload numbers and types of product hauled by each carrier are released through the AAR and STB. Revenues attributable to each of the product types are not released. The produt lines are broadly defined - Agricultural, Forest Products etc.
Rail carloadings have been a leading economic indicator for decades.
So I went to a harbor restaurant on Lake Michigan in Sheboygan, that specialized in the local lake White Fish about three years back in the Summer. Anyhoo, huge piles of coal on one side of the harbor, wondering if this was also for the powerplant or if their contract is exclusive to UP. That power plant has to suck up a lot of coal if it was for the power plant as well as the trains.