Come on guy,s if you want to spice up the Forum ask your Wives / Girlfriends to comment on our great hobby.
You’ve got to be kidding.The moment I mention anything to do with my railway,her eyes glaze over!
That’s not always true, Troy! From the people I’ve met and the conventions I’ve been to, garden railroading has many more women participating than most segments of model railroading. And it’s not just that women do the gardening–lots are into trains too.
Hey Ya’ll
I agree. When I started on the railroad (leveling, digging, and such) I asked my girlfriend to help and she thougoly enjoyed herself (She is not like most girls. She likes to get dirty and do all that stuff that boys like. It saved me hours of time and pain. Boy am I lucky). She wants to start posting soon, but she never gets around to it. I bought her a cheap $30 battery operated g-scale train with a 2-6-0(The paint scheme and shape was similar to that of the LGB DSP&PRR Red and green mogul) a yellow D&RGW Boxcar, a grey Union Pacific gondola car, and a red D&RGW Caboose. She strores it with my Bachmann Annie and Coaches and she looks forward to running it when I finish with my railroad. See Ya’ll later
I havent met any that were into trains, figures, buildings maybe, but not model trains by a long shot. My wife wants nothing to do with my trains. She’s content to let me mull about in my cage, what she calls my work area, and as long as the layout is out of site tucked away in the garage and she cant see, she’d fine with it. She has on one occasion gone to a train meet where several layouts were running.
Wished all the women around me would leave me the heck alone about them!
Seeking higher Enlightenment
My wife thinks I’m addicted, she’s right. I’ll at least approach her with the idea.
Can you imagine if GR or MR had a personals column, it would be loaded![(-D]
Well my wife Doreen is terrific, she is really very good with the Railway, she specialies in track side stuff, building, plants, gravel etc. No she is just wonderful.
Regards ian.
PS by the way did Imention that she monitors everything I write in this forum and i am trying to get an allocation of money for a new Loco. She is a retired Financial Controller (Treasurer I think you Americans call it) and I am the only finance she gets to control these days.
Well done Ian, it’s a truly wise man who knows upon which side his bread is buttered.
Well, I’m a lady (not a broad, as I’m into narrow gauge!), with a garden railroad. And a loop of track indoors. I do ‘landscape gardening’ as opposed to just flowers and veggies, although they do have their place out back. And I scratchbuild cars and structures. And I belong, all by myself, to the local G gauge club. And I’m not alone, not by a long shot! There’s a husband-and-wife team nearby; SHE does the RAILROAD, and he does the gardening!
That’s an interesting twist! I am blessed in that my wife equally enjoys all aspects of the hobby along with me. I agree with Rene that this scale has more female involvement than any other. Later eh…Brian.
I have to agree with brian, my wife likes to go to train shows near where we live ,looking for certain train related items,to up date our garden rail road ., or for our indoor RR. Ben[:D]
Hi Sandy,
Dont feel you only have to discuss your outdoor layout. There’s a few of us here doing that indoor thing, so dont forget to talk about your indoor loop either, we’re always interested in new innies and always have good advice in or out.[:D]
Most times, if I’m having fun of any kind, the wife is against it!
My wife allows the hobby. We have a relatively large side yard and I am developinging it form an almost empty lot, into what I hope, after a few years, will be a garden utopia.
Maybe then?
My wife enjoys the pictures in the magazine GR she’s starting to grasp this concept that I fell in love with. She was looking at a pic in the Narrow Gauge Shortline Gazzette( My first copy I ever bought last week) and asked is that real, I said nope, she replied WOW! Cool huh. [:D] I’m going to have to subscribe to that one to now!
I know a lady down in Sydney that has her locomotives insured for A$90,000, her and her husband Dennis have more rolling stock than “All Aboard” the local LGB importer.
They have two layouts, an indoor one upstairs whuch is just a labyrinth of points and short runs of track. Also they have a lreasonably large layout outside which is constructed of HEBEL brick. It all works too.
Hi guys,
Gail has allowed me to answer this one on her behalf with a few questions she would never ask or statements she would never make:
- It’s me or the railway
- Don’t spend more than £50
- I’m buying you socks for Christmas
- Put your trains away we’re visiting my sister
- I really believe that loco cost £10 in the sale
And on and on and on…
On the flip side here’s one that I would respond to straight away:
Put your trains away and I’ll take you to the pub!!
Hi all
Mine has got used to no you cannot plant that there, its too big
and wonders why Locomotives are red coaches are red and I insist on painting freight stock that I will be painting grey, red oxide or black
What has been done so far is liked and what is in progress I am being told to get a move on with
Tip get Brass name plates with the Wifes name on them and put them on a
nice looking Live steam locomotive goes a long way to smothing the perway
expantion program.
Iff you listen occasionaly you might just get given a good idea by the wife
mine sugested make the bridge out of steel if termites are a possable concerne.
Cath would never say its me or the trains she knows the answer would be where do I forward your mail too.
regards John
my wife loves trains. and she allways helps me with mine we are not out doors RR’s.
she helps me with maintence and other item’s as some of you know im handicapped. we go to train shows togeather where we can get in not all shows and stores are handicapped friendly. she goes to my local hobby store trains and treasures for my needs. and comes home with surprises for me every now and then.
im a indoor std gauge RR mostly early diesels.
happy RR [:D]
My GF likes the trains too [:)] She is also a member on the “other” site and I should get her to join her in case we make the switch to this site [;)] I won’t give up on the other site yet, but I sure know that I feel more welcome over here most times [;)][:)] I will try to get her involed a little more as time goes on. She really does enjoy putting the building kits together though [^]