In my town, Sioux Falls, S.D., there is an occasional GP30 working on one of the locals. They are pretty rare around here. Last night, walking by the BNSF yard, I saw that there were 3 GP30’s tied down for the night. I remember reading how the CNW sent all their remaining ALCOs to Huron S.D. at one time, to have them all in one spot for better maintenence and parts distibution.
But, a GP30? Would there be any advantge to having several working out of the same yard? For what it’s worth, the GP30’s that show up are always former BN- Cascade Green.
In the past few months we have seen GP 25, 28, 30, 38, 39 - but since we never see groups of them together (prying eyes not allowed that close) I don’t know for sure how many there are. But one or two of them are always dragging cars around. They work the hump, the shops and sometimes the elevators/lumber yards.
I was going to ask whether these were pure as-built GP30s or some of those that went through rebuilding programs. If they were “true” GP30s, it might make sense–567-engined diesels are pretty rare and it might make sense to keep them close to each other.
A lot of ex-ATSF GP30s and GP35s were just shipped to Larry’s Truck Electric for whatever.
I suspect those GP30’s are really re-built units(part of BN’s GP39E/V/M upgrade program). A lot of BN & other ‘junkers’ were rebuilt with a modular electrical system and 645 power assemblies. They have been rated at 2300 HP, and are used for a lot of secondary service.
Most of the AT&SF GP30/35’s went through an upgrade program while still AT&SF - Most of them are now being retired. Whether they come back as ‘core’ units for possible 710ECO upgrade projects will depend on the economy.
BTW, has the City of Sioux Falls and BNSF found any common ground for a new yard so that downtown area can be redeveloped?
That idea, whether or not the City admits it, has slippped off into pipe dream status. The funding was to come from a Federal earmark that had not been funded, and was about 1/3 the total cost of the project. It is now set to happen when pigs fly.
I used to think they were the ugliest loco out there other than the CF7, but the GP30 has grown on me. I can’t remember the last time I saw a GP30. I do from time to time still see SD40-2 used by UP on the line between St.Paul and Chicago.