Landmark Layouts: John Allen talks about operation

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Landmark Layouts: John Allen talks about operation

I have the Kalmbach book, ‘Model Railroading with John Allen’, the book assembled by Linn Westcott. It hasn’t been in print for a long time, and the pages in my copy are coming loose from the binding. I think MR should have another publishing of this book, it really does give inspiration to improve ones modelling skills. I know I’d buy another copy in a heartbeat.

hear hear!

How many remember John’s article on how to sway back a freight car?

I would love to see another book like that

John Allen is part of our history as modelers of trains along with a sense of good kindred spirit. I built an HO layout in my garage,had it viewed during a model railroad convention in Ft Lauderdale,Fl back in 93.Now,since my divorce of 41 yrs I’m attempting to build another HO layout in my one bedroom apartment,also,N scale under my glass dining table and G scale out in my garden/patio. Ah yes,the power of John Allen’s inspiration.

What happened to the audio link?

No link to audio link anywhere I could see either on IE or Firefox. What’s up?

No link…what’s up with that?

What happen to the link? It isn’t on Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. ??

with out the link this is a poor article