I think part of the fun of model railroading is the challenge of doing something new. After about eight hours of work and a many cuss words, I finally completed my Branchline Trains Laser Art Victorian Gingerbread house. For something with this much detail, I can now say that it was worth the effort. I can’t see using Laser Art for a simple shed. One thing that i learned is that the larger pieces of the walls should be glued together before painting them. Or else, they will warp! I use frosted plastic strips pasted over the window and door openings, rather than the tiny clear plastic pieces of plastic that they provide. A light inside illuminates all the widows, without actually seeing inside. I may even try making the second Gingerbread House! Click on photo to enlarge it. Then, Click on “Next”, to see some other views of my layout. Bob Hahn
It looks like many people viewed your project with no comment. I really can’t see most of the building but the roof stands out. The shingles should overlap so that the bottom edge of the second row should start where the slits on on the first row stop.Also try to keep the rows lined up with the ones on the adjacent parts of the roof. Really tough to explain, but if you Google “roofs” you can see some examples. The roof is what most people see first on a layout. But congratulations on your first laser kit. they are a challenge for the first time & some of ours weren’t as good as yours. With a good attitude you seem to have, you will continue to improve.