Lash up question with DCS

I run DCS and use lash ups quite frequently. Question is, how do you know what train sounds such as whistle and bell will function with each lash up? If an MTH Shay and MTH Climax logger are lashed, seems as if only one engine sounds can be used. Is there a way of switching back & forth? Thanks to all, Jake

Jake, seems I use to do that. ??? Been along time since I had several MTH engines. Maybe Tom P [Spankybird] can tell you. He sure helped me a lot with DCS years ago. I’ll email him and ask him to respond.

I’m not into running lashups but I have experimented doubleheading my 0-8-0 switchers. From what I remember all the sounds such as whistle and bell will emit from the lead engine. In lashups the only thing controllable in the rear engine is the coupler and directional lighting. Unless you address each engine individually. I know they go to the inactive list once you start running the lashup. Not sure if this can be done while they are on the move. I know at a stop I’ve switched cab lights on and such.

Was just wondering if you left the lashup intact as far as the lead engine and programmed another lashup into the remote using the trailing engine as the lead one in the remote. The remote only knows what you tell it. It doesn’t know where you have the engines positioned on the layout. To change over. You will have to stop the train and hit startup for the other lashup but I would think it would work. It seems the sounds would now emit from the trailing engine as far as whistle and bell because the remote believes it’s the lead engine. Still not sure what happens with the lights. I would think the only problem would be accidentally accessing both at the same time when scrolling back and forth between the lashup and other engines your running.

If you want all the sounds from both at the same time. You could run them in ALL mode. The only thing is all your other DCS engines will run as well unless they are toggled off.

Thanks guys for the replys, much appreciated, Jake

Yes, with DCS. The “Lashup” command lets you run 1, 2, 3 or more engines from one set of commands including running at the exact same speed. Light and sound is run prototypically.

Move your first locomotive up to the “Active List” on your Remote Control, move the second locomotive up to the “Active List”, then make up your “Lashup Command” or if already done, move it into the “Active List”.

Start up your “Lashup”, the front engine gets lights, sounds, bell, whistle - trailing engine gets sound only. Lights swap between engines when the pair are reversed.

Select the second engine on the active list, now you can set the lights, sound, and sound volume on that engine. (you will find the Whistle and Bell had gone to “0” volume) When you go back to “Lashup” it will retain your settings.

Once again, thanks for the good advice! Respectfully, Jake