Later Days

Its been real.

Thanks, to all that gave advice and helped out.

Due to conflict with management here I am turning in my keys figurativly speaking, and canceling my subscription to MR.


No reason you can’t check in every now and then. You don’t have to subscribe to be a part of the community.

Most of us have some issue with “management.” Sometimes it’s space, sometimes the cost of the hobby, sometimes time spent in the trainroom, but one way or the other, we work it out. Hopefully, it will turn out to be the same for you.

Sound 2 blasts, and keep moving forward.

Awww. Gee-wiz. I’m sure gonna miss you. I liked talking religion vs. evolution with you…


Totally confused…[%-)]

I’m confused also,I was never given keys.[:-^]

Apparently our friend here got angry at the moderators or someone and has resigned from our beloved forum.

The statement I made to him had to do with a disagreement he and I had on another thread about evolution vs creationism. However, I apologized to him for coming on a little strong about it all, and was just having a little fun with him about it. No harm intended.


And all this time I thought “management” was his significant other. I thought he was getting dinged for preferring “basement time” to sitting on the couch with her watching Dancing with the Stars.

The post can be interpreted either way. Hammer, I wish you the best in whatever you do.


OK, have fun but…

Its not like they can “fire” you unless you do something really offensive or are an obvious troll.

As someone who also had a occasional “difference of opinion” with the “management” you have to realize that unless you do some thing really offensive like post picture of midget sex or something, most conflicts settle down and are soon forgotten, as long as you keep on subject mind you…

I missed a Dinos vs Jesus conflict? OH DRAT !!![;)]

Barney is a Meat Eater!


I’d like to comment on the moderators on this forum. I’m glad that they don’t appreciate off topic discussions or debates especially for topics about religion and or politics. They are the worst of topics to discuss, some employers won’t even let you talk about that stuff on their premise’s even during lunch. On some other forums you have to sort through all the BS before you find discussions that are on topic. I had a couple of funny topics, cartoons actually, that I posted on this forum and was bombardered with emails from the mods about it. LOL some were understanding and not abusive, others well, a little more direct, but all were correct in removing them or locking them out. I won’t post off topic threads on here anymore or even post to such, but I wouldn’t be so upset that I would get angry and leave, it’s called maturity and the mods are doing what’s best for this forum, keeping the topics on target and bouncing out the trolls and keeping it civil. My hat and thanks are off to them. I too am a moderator on another forum unrelated to model railroading, but we keep that forum on topic and we do not allow abuse of our rules or abuse of our members.

If only it were THAT easy to get rid of Alfred (Al)![:-^]

Well I’ll be… Dudley Do Right is an actual person… Hello Dudley, my name’s Ezazels from the movie Fallen, and time is on my side, yes it is…


A good hacker could fix Al…
