Love the new issue with a new article on LIONEL SUPER O TRACK. I really hope Lionel wakes up and Remakes the super o tracks, only to modify the switches to be more scale like and wider radius curves. If they do, I really do beleive they will have a winner…Wake up Lionel, Jump on it!
Perhaps it is not surprising, but, I have never enjoyed an article more then this. Perhaps my interest in “Super O” has something to do with this! Hopefully you feel the same. Not only is Roger Carp’s article about Steve’s article outstanding, but, note the 2 other “Super O” articles included. One is entitled All About “Super O” Track and the other is a fine story about Mark Tolby and his D-224 Display layout from 1958. Hope the CTT readers enjoy “Super O”! If you want to compare the 1957 original Lionel Showroom “Super O” look below. Steve’s interpretation is a “slam bang” winner. There are so many highlights I am not sure where to start but that baseball game (all animated), the Plasticville toll booth, the Dick Reichard double crossovers that were custom made and all that 072 “Super O”! The control panel and the control booth are amazing. That plasticville airport!
I liked the article about super O track, it helped me to see that there is more to super O than I had previously known about, even adapters to go from super O to 031 or 027 track.
A lot of people like the super O track but I am not one of them, would rather see Lionel bring back T-rail track with the screws and plates, I think that T-rail looks more realistic than super O track.
Lee F.
I read the article about Super O and was surprised to see how similar it is to the old K-line snap track. I sure hope Lionel starts to manufacture snap track. It is so much easier to use and so much more durable than O and O 27. It is also easier to modify and/or transition to standard tubular. Finally snap track is MUCH quiter than Fastrak.
Jim H
I have seen Lionel super O track and to me it doesn’t look like K-Line’s snap track, super O has a very narrow center rail and a little bit narrower outside rails than K-Line snap track, the K-Line snap track looks more like Lionel tubular with a darkened center rail on GarGraves cross ties[2c]. Can’t say if super O track is easier to use or not as I don’t have any of it.
Lee F.
Another OUTSTANDING ISSUE CTT! Is it too early to say Happy New Year? Considering we got our January Issue in November… maybe not. Anyway… awesome job on the mag… and I just resubscribed… so I look forward to more great issues.
One of the better issues. I’m not into post war but I love SuperO track. Great reading.
Y’all speak and I envy. I have yet to get the latest CTT. I think it is more an issue with USPS than CTT. Anyway, I do look forward to it.
Of course, the reason for the cover-date-timing you mention is that putting the “January issue” on newsstands in late November increases the shelf-life of the product.
As an added benefit, it also creates the image to subscribers that they get their issues early, too. Or if the USPS is unusually snail-like, it will still get delivered before the first of the month on the cover.
Sounds like a great issue. Maybe someday it will actually show up in my mailbox. [:(][:(!]
Actually, the “shelf life” of the January issue isn’t any longer than December’s, because in about three or four weeks the February issue will follow and the same for March. The only longer shelf time is for the bi-monthly issues.
The Jan. CTT had nothing of interest to me and was the first issue EVER to hit the recycle bin within one day of receipt. Granted, I am into hi-rail and have zero interest in Postwar anything.
If you don’t want yours, send it to me. I’ve yet to receive mine.
Read my Coffee Pot psot this AM and you will now see why yours has not come.[:-^]
So the hi- rail Realistic Roadway Crossing article was not interesting to you?
I thought it was a great article, Dennis, so don’t sweat it. It went into the ‘when I finally get the railroad going, I’m gonna need this’ file. Thanks - GS
You have my sympathies, Paul. Kind of sad when a person feels there’s nothing of interest in a magazine devoted to his hobby. I’ve yet to pick up a toy or model train magazine and not learn something from it, or enjoy reading about what others are doing in this great–and diverse–hobby.
The one thing that was dissapointing was it seemed thin on reviews. I love BK’s reviews.
Thanks for the comments. Like everyone, we have to rely on what product is available. Of course, our March issue is already out the door to the printer (or will be next week) and we are now tripping over boxes of new (pre-Christmas delivery) product! Sometimes you can’t win … Happy Holidays, Bob