Lawsuit against JMRI

Yes indeed it is one of the funniest things today, but the day is young. It represents pretty much the truth too!! FUNNY STUFF!

That red guy actually looks like Lenin. (Russia’s first Marxist /communist ruler----and a stone cold murderer)

That’s exactly who it is - old Vladimir Ilych himself.

It was based on an old poster. I am trying to remember where I found it.

AntonionFP45 - Thanks for the info. I guess that forum was way out of my league.
BTW, I liked your favorite quote on your Bio.

Thanks, Walter! On my quote, I really didn’t believe it until I experienced it.

As a Heart Attack. MTH is NAMED on the instruction sheet for my BLI Mike. According to my car buddy who is a BIG SHOT lawyer that loves to stir up stuff, this will send a real message to these idiots that this is a HOBBY and NOT a pawn in a chess game.
The comments that I have heard would make you SICK. The deal is that they think that the Model Rail Road hobby is being supported by a bunch of high doller “Baby Boomers” that can afford $2,000.00 for a brass loco and $5.00 for 3 ft of track and $299.95 for a building and not even miss it. What thay have lost track of is the YOUNGER people and older just getting into the hobby.
They need their hand SLAPPED and got it OUT of the cookie jar.
The last estimate I saw for an HO railroad is $225.00 per sq ft to build and scenic. That is full DCC and NOT including rolling stock. Heck a HOUSE is $125.00 a square foot!
[soapbox] put away. (soapbox]
Will inform you as to what my barrister buddy does next.
PS He collects BRASS in “O” gauge. Has over 1,200 as of the last count.
Take Care
George P.


O.K, you are quite serious.

Regarding the comments that you’ve heard. Were they from MTH personnel? From other modelers? Customers?

We have to remember though that a “common perception” that many in the general public have of O scale and larger modelers is that

  1. They’re often retirees
  2. Were professionals with decent careers
  3. Receive “respectable incomes” from pensions and stock investments.
  4. Spend a considerable amount on the hobby.

Yes, I disagree with it, but that’s been around for years.

One thing though…if you really are going to sue MTH, by posting it here you are already "telling them of your intentions. Don’t forget that MTH personnel and supporters regularly check our forum. Especially after the info posted here back in FEB 2004.

Hopefully your attorney will have his facts and info well organized if this is to be taken seriously.

By all means keep us posted.

Antonio, I am a 2 rail O scaler.
(support group chimes in with "Hi Bob!)
I am not in a profession that leads to “wealth”
I have collected my rolling stock over a period of 20 years, most all of it consisting of Weaver, old Atlas, swap meet Athearn etc.
I run in to the attitude of O scale being a “rich man’s sport” a lot.
I am by no means a retiree (technically I am, retired from the Air Guard, but that won’t pay nothing till I’m 60. Which I won’t be for many years yet!)
After nearly 20 years in the O scale hobby, (I have been a MRR all of my life), I am getting my first Brass Locomotive! (in O) An absolutly prehistoric Kemtron RS-3 that needs re-soldered! I have done things with Atlas F-9s taht borders on the un-natural!
Anyway, here’s my take on the litigation.
KNOCK IT OFF!!! (I would love to use harsher, more coarse language here, but , I will respect the rest of the fourmites)
Anyway, All the lawyering up in the 3 rail world is starting to spill out into the rest of the MRR world.
What ever happened to the attitude that “Model Railroading is FUN!!!”

We should get all the model manufacturers to boycott Union Pacific.


I hear you. The stereotyping of modelers in general is annoying.

I’ve been amazed at all of the legal battles going on in a hobby that is supposed to be “Fun”! Sad to say that the quest for money takes priority with a lot of people. Funny, you can’t take it with you once you pass away.

If Claycts wants to sue…let him go for it. I’m very skeptical that he has a solid legal foundation for going after MTH. If his lawyer is talented and manages to get a court to hear it, I think it’s going to be interesting. With today’s “whack-job” justice system…who knows? Seems that the game is: How much can the attorney twist and manipulate laws, facts, and of course, juries.

IF my friend who lives in WACK JOB county (Ca.) is a mad as I think he is he will do something.
As far as what I will do, does not matter. The MTH supporters want to chase red hearings for fun, more power to them. I am of the opinion that this whole thing STINKS and if my CA buddy wants to rattle their cage witha class action i will give him all the info I have. He is more ticked than I am and out ways me on the money side 6-1.
IF I went afier them it would be just like they operate, stab in back and sneaky not BOHICA!
Not in the best of moods my Big Boy got DROPPED and bent the axle on the front power set. Will never run again. It WAS a great running AHM that had less than 10 min running time on it 5 years.
As far as this legal stuff I told him to do as he wishes but I am out of the butt kicking business and have been for many years. if the comsumer wants to support a company that makes money off of other peoples work then that is their problem.
If ENOUGH people want to boycott a company they CAN SHUT THEM DOWN.
Well back to picking up the pieces.