So, laying out track setup for my grandson on my basemant floor that will end up at his house in a room in his basement. Started out with a Pennsylvania Flyer with a 40 x 60 oval track, added a figure 8, then stretched the track out to about 14 feet with a couple of switches. I want to increase the diameter of the small loop at the top of the track. Everything is a 036…do I use 031 or ???
[#welcome] aboard!
Unless space is a consideration I’d stick with 036 curves for uniformity’s sake and obviously 036 will give you a wider diameter than 031.
And that’s a nice starter layout for your gandson!
And thanks for your service in 'Nam! I don’t know what branch of service you were in but this old Marine says “Semper Fi!” to you!
One last thing, be advised as a newcomer to the Forum your posts will be moderated until the mods recognize you as one of the “good guys,” so don’t be surprised if there’s a delay between when you post and when the post actually shows up on the Forum. It usually doesn’t last more than two weeks.
Combat Engineer with the 70th Combat Engineer Battalion attached to the 1st Air Cav out of AnKhe, Vietnam. Thanks for your servce Marine!!
Increase or Decrease the Diameter? It’s hard to mix and match diameter tracks on the same loop. If you want to add another loop on the outside of your O36 layout, the next size up is O48.