Layout blues

I am a novice building an HO gauge set with my son. We are stuck with our layout, which only works when certain switches are set.
I have already changed the layout considerably from the first attempt/s, when I didn’t understand the polarity issues.
Seems that the more we learn the more trouble we get into!
If anyone would be kind enough to respond, I can email a BMP or other file type of the layout for comment.

Think of your layout as alight circuit ,with one rail as being positive+[black wire] and the other rail aS BEING negative -[ white wire] then any where there is a change make sure there not a short. get a cheap volt/ ohm meter hope this will help.JAD

Go to your local model railroad store and buy Kalmbach Publishing’s book “Basic Wiring for Model Railroaders”. They also publish a more advanced book entitled “Easy Model Railroad Wiring”.

Also check your area for a model railroad club, They would probably be glad to help you out.

Send me the bmp and and as much detail as you can muster (types of turnouts, how you wierd everything etc) to and I’ll see what I can do to help you. (maybe even send you a free book)

I Just want to say to Paul,Wow!! That is going above and beyond the call of duty.Thats why i like this Forum.Everyone really does try to help.
I salute you Paul, You are a Stand Up Guy.
Merry Christmas!!!

I used those books to wire up my layout. I found them easy to understand.

Here’s another tip for ya. After each change you make, turn on the power, and run a locomotive or two. If it doesn’t run, the problem can usually be found in the change you just made.