Layout Design

Hello all. I am curious to know if anyone has experience with a layout designer and how it works. I’ve taken down my 6x10 layout and am going to 17x9. I have RRTrack software and have “played” with it quite a bit but I can’t help but think a designer could do not only better but have more ways and options than I do. I’ve been reading on this forum and the way I see it is the better your plans are the smoother the build will be and time saved as well. I have decided to use Gargraves track and I want to take advantage of some of the newer tech. items (Possibly Legacy or TMCC -remote operation). I build good bench work and can do good wiring and track laying-it’s the design and plan I’m interested in getting help for. Thanks.

While I have never used a professional sevice to design any of my layouts(perhaps I should[:)]), there are several companies out there–. If memory serves, there are several that advertize in CTT. One name that comes to mind is Don Cardiff-- website is I’d give them a look–

Hope this helps–

amos - First off ---->[#welcome]

Now, in my opinion, if you can do good benchwork and wiring, you can design your own mainline…unless you want to pay someone else for doing what I think is one of the most relaxing parts of the hobby.

Get yourself a green CTT O/O27 track template, and a fresh legal pad of paper. During your free time, start sketching freeehand at least a dozen possible variations, and then when you get several that you like, start “fitting” them into the template peramiters.

Fifedog has some pretty good ideas. I too look at the planning as one of the more fun parts.

Typically, the first step is the hardest, getting started. You might want to take a somewhat systematic approach to the planning. Make a list of goals and non-goals.

Goals - Things you want or are required to do with the layout.

  • Minimum track radius, regarding the existing inventory you have, or even what you may want to require.

  • Incorporation of existing accessories or other items you want to use.

  • How much space you have available

  • What time of operation do you want to have? point to point? continuous ? reversing direction capability? how long are the trains? passing capability? multiple operation?

The list can go on and on, the more you get the better your design will be, and the happier you will be.

Also, don’t for get the NON Goals ! Things YOU definetly do NOT want to have.

  • Duck unders, areas you Must go under to gain access.

  • Pop ups, areas of layout you must lift out and come out through to gain access.

  • Other issues and desires.

Once you have your goals identified, prioritize them, then make abasic drawing with those in mind. Then your on your way. I ended up with over 100 variations from what I ended up with and what I started with. It was really enjoyable.


I am new here, and I am also having the same kinda problem that you are layout design. I have personally never used a layout designer. But I thought I could offer some advice, although I am having the same kinda problem you are and thats why I am here also. My advice is this…on the home page of this website, if you scroll down on the left hand side is a section called Layout Database. You can put in some information like the size of the layout you want and the scale etc. then it will give you some layout ideas and you can start from those if you wish… I am going to go try it when I am done here… Hope this helps…

Black Diamond

Welcome Black Diamond! [#welcome]


Thanks for the responses. I have indeed begun a design using RRTrack4.2 and have probably four variations for the beginning stages. I really like working with the RRTRACK software. I added the accessories library so that portion goes smoothly. It’s just hard not to wonder what the opinion of someone with alot more experience would be. I’m not done with the plan;however, I am on my way and I’m in no hurry. Thanks. I’m not a subscirber to the site that has the layout plan ideas using dimensions, type, etc. so I can’t access the info, but thanks.

I’m going to google that RRTrack Software… I looked at the database layout design, but none of them are big enough for what I am wanting to do…I didnt think about the you have to be a suscriber to this site for that to work…lol I was to caught up in thinking of layout designs and grass and trees and engines…and i could go on forever…but i wont anyhow…i tried…thanks for the Welcome to…I am glad to be here!!

Ya know, you have a wealth of experience right here on this board. If you can paste some images of your plans here, I’m sure folks here would be more than willing to look 'em over and share their thoughts with you.

Welcome guys! Yeah - if you come up with any kind of plan and paste it here on the board in a new thread called something like “Please review my layout design” you will get tons of useful information! Good luck!

Black Diamond, the RRTrack software is money very well spent.

I did just that Brutus, we will see what happens lol…go check it out see what u think maybe u will come up with some ideas…its under Please review my layout … Talk at you later btw thanks for the advice.

Watch and see how many “Views” it gets too! [:)]