Thought maybe an update was due. It’s only been ten years, lol.
Here is the lower deck of what I wound up building:
Track Plan - Lower Level1024_1 by RSeiler308 , on Flickr
This is the upper deck:
Track Plan - Upper Level1024_1 by RSeiler308 , on Flickr
Kinda boring, but this is the staging deck:
Track Plan - Staging1024_1 by RSeiler308 , on Flickr
A view of part of what it looks like now:
Untitled by RSeiler308 , on Flickr
Very impressive. Quite a change from your orignal plan! Looks like you have a 32" or 36" minimum radius now.
How dare you present such a large and beautiful layout on this forum. [swg]
Doggone it, that is simply spectacular. I need to spend some time looking at the whole layout. Can you provide us with some more photos at different angles and locales? And, don’t wait 10 years to reply. [(-D]
Ha, thanks. Here’s a view down the first aisle near the entry.
Untitled by RSeiler308 , on Flickr
Kinda looking back toward the entry and where you were standing in that last pic.
Untitled by RSeiler308 , on Flickr
The next aisle over.
Untitled by RSeiler308 , on Flickr
Great looking layout. Thanks for sharing those photos.
Thanks, glad somebody enjoyed them.
October 20, 2022, 4:00pm
Very nice layout! I can’t imagine the hours of work building this. Congratulations.
Don’t wait another ten years to update us again. Speaking for myself, I’d love to see more pictures.