Layout Expansion/Modification Suggestions

Thought maybe an update was due. It’s only been ten years, lol.

Here is the lower deck of what I wound up building:

Track Plan - Lower Level1024_1 by RSeiler308, on Flickr

This is the upper deck:

Track Plan - Upper Level1024_1 by RSeiler308, on Flickr

Kinda boring, but this is the staging deck:

Track Plan - Staging1024_1 by RSeiler308, on Flickr

A view of part of what it looks like now:

Untitled by RSeiler308, on Flickr

Very impressive. Quite a change from your orignal plan! Looks like you have a 32" or 36" minimum radius now.


How dare you present such a large and beautiful layout on this forum. [swg]

Doggone it, that is simply spectacular. I need to spend some time looking at the whole layout. Can you provide us with some more photos at different angles and locales? And, don’t wait 10 years to reply. [(-D]


Ha, thanks. Here’s a view down the first aisle near the entry.

Untitled by RSeiler308, on Flickr

Kinda looking back toward the entry and where you were standing in that last pic.

Untitled by RSeiler308, on Flickr

The next aisle over.

Untitled by RSeiler308, on Flickr

Great looking layout. Thanks for sharing those photos.


Thanks, glad somebody enjoyed them.


Very nice layout! I can’t imagine the hours of work building this. Congratulations.

Don’t wait another ten years to update us again. Speaking for myself, I’d love to see more pictures.