Layout Height

Hi all,

I am planning a new layout and want to hear from you about preferred layout height. My current layout is a 5 X 10 table with a height of 35". I can reach in comfortably to move a car or stand up a fallen tree or figure up to about 35"

I am considering making the new layout ay 42, can you tell me your experience?? The new layout will be U shaped about 12X12-16. Will this increas or decrease my accessibility? Will it improve the looks, operation?

Any and all input is appreciated.

Thank you,


Hi George,

I’m working on an around the wall type layout where the track height ranges from 48 1/2" to 57 1/2" from the floor. I am fairly tall and it is my view that the closer the trains are to eye level the more realistic things appear. I still look down on my trains for the most part, but there have to be some compromises as I want others to be able to see the trains as well.

Generally, the taller the layout is the less distance one can reach into it. I have a sturdy stool in the train room to help me when needed to reach areas farthest from the outer edge of the layout.

It’s really a matter of personal preferences and what works best for you. Hope this is of some help. Bo [:)]

Visit my website Bo’s Trains at

Two other considerations are the ease of working under the layout and the possibilities for furniture underneath. I use 45 inches, which is high enough for bookcases, cabinets, and a desk and workbench each halfway under the layout.

I like mine at 35 inches. Still room to sit upright under the tables to do wire fixes.


Well, I split the difference. I perfer a layout at eye level, but at eyelevel for me (60 inches) one has to make the layout narrow in order to reach derailments, and it is too high up for the grandkids to see. So we “split the difference” The layout is 40 inches of the ground at its lowest elevation BUT every one over the age of 6 MUST operate the layout from a castered swivel chair One is only allowed to stand up to clear a derailment or to do maintance work.

It also makes my “forced perspective” look more credible when the layout is at eye level.

It may not work for everyone, but it works for me, and it is lot easier to deal with a problem simply by standing up than to get at it by using a cutout or liftout to get at inaccessable areas.

Little Tommy

I notice that some of the guys with kids or grandkids submit photos of the kiddies and their layouts. Many of the younger ones can watch the trains while standing while others are perched on chairs for a better view.

Reach, increased under-the-table storage, ease of working under the table on wiring and such, and your primary audience.

You can make an argument in either direction, taller or shorter.


For me it depends on a few thing all stated before. First is how tall you are will change it . I like to be able to reach the things at any point so I tried out heights that I could reach with the width of the top I want to use. Not having to reach over more than 4’ I ended up with 33" height. The 2 year old grand child needs to be on a chair but the older ones see it at eye level. I like to get down with them and watch it at eye level as well. it is great there.

Thanks to each of you who have responded with all the pro’s and cons of various heights.

I am leaning towards going to about 42", that will be a little closer to eye level than mi current 35. And also allow me some good storage underneath.

Bo thanks for sharing your website great layout with beautiful scenery.


This is very interesting to me as I’m about to start building my own layout. But I’m leaning towards 32" - 35". I want to be able to get under it without to much problem but want it lower to the ground ( the lower to the ground the shorter that run away train has to fall [(-D] )

I’m doing 8’ wide by 12 to 16 feet long not sure yet. Yes I’m going to have to have a access panel to comer up in the center some where probably two of them lol. I’m thinking 72" , 63" and 54" radius loops.