Hi all. Just started building a new new layout and I’m not sure if I like it or not. It consists of the 4x8 foot boards together in an L shape and an addition about 2 foot by 2 foot at the end of the one 4x8 board where the two meet. is shown in the picture.
I would just like to know, if you had this benchwork, how would you design a layout on it? Urabn or Country? I’m open to any new ideas!
I can’t see the picture, but if you can’t decide whether you want urban or country, you need to step back a minute and work on your vision. What you get from a question like the above is everyone else’s likes. If you build someone else’s idea, you’ll never quite be satisfied.
A good place to start would be my beginner’s guide listed below. It takes about 5 minutes to read and will point you in the right direction.
I agree. Even without seeing the picture I can tell two things, one is that you have a lot of space to work with so whatever is decided upon will work out great, and two, you have no vision of your layout. Any layout, from 1x4 to 200x200 needs a concept of design and operation, in other words, a reason to exist.
Urban or country will work either way, but only with a clear concept of what the railroad is trying to be. Urban works well with huge freight yards and intermodal facilities, passenger trains everywhere, and verticle scenery in the form of buildings. Country can be long trains, small town industries, desert or mountains, wood, coal, etc.
Only you can decide. I know what I would build, but you might not like it, maybe find it boring or plain. Read those primers, go to the public library and check out some books on model and real railroads.