Layout in Attic Jan Issue

I really like that article, esp since I have a it less than 10 x 10 bedroom to use for Southern Pacific ATSF i LA area with desk. Decided to repurpose a Car Shop as a brewery, lots of glass like the Busch brewery in the SF Valley on Roscoe, want one more than shop, grain in, malt in, Bud, Busch out for places North and Tucson, Phoenix, etc.

I really want to watch my ATSF/SP passenger trains run, and drop cattle at feed lot in Puente on SP line before East LA slaughter house demise.

A friend’s brother worked in East LA, wall mural painting of pigs with Halos and wings to heaven. Loved those now banned as “billboards” advertising.

Apparently my name is missing an e in bluepuma, no wonder I had problems logging in, no wonder, and password has lower case instead of upper, and upper in place of lower.

Awk! Keyboard has dim Case light too. Happy New Year! lived thru another. smile Tomcat bluepuma