awsome layout, still amzed how you can reach the middel
As far as reaching everything, I think it’s a combination of things. In many of the hard to reach spots I have non track type of items, mountains, roads etc. So once I detailed out the section I don’t really have a need to get there again. The one area that I do have to climb is straight track so it’s pretty rare that I have any issues with it.
The 6x4 section is very easy to get to everything, almost all the track is toward the edge of the section, with a mountain in the middle. I did it years after the other sections so I learn something I guess.
The other areas all have a 4x4 sections breaking up the bigger sections so I can reach more than it may appear.
I pretty much just like to watch the trains run through scenery, so I’m not doing much in the way of switching. I run 5 trains (DC) on 5 separate tracks. One is a point to point with sensors at each end to automatically reverse the loco.
I use to have a bunch of switches with with two reversing loops, etc. It was DC so it was a ton of wiring. I’d get things running well for awhile, but it seemed like I always had one switch acting up. I’d get it fixed and then another. I got tried of it and gave up for awhile. I then decided that it wasn’t worth it for I like to do which is watch. I took them all out and made the reversing loop a point to point line.
Now I just turn them on, have a beer and sit back and watch. I did put one switch in for a industrial siding in case the mood strikes.
Thanks for the comments, and thanks for just looking! A few more with a new WB setting:
Very nice. Keep the pics coming.
Added a farmer’s house to the layout today.
Also, added some ground cover to a hill.
Finally, a night shot of the mine.
The famrer’s house is too glowy in dark shots. It’s almost like the walls are too thin to contain the light to just the windows.
I agree. I’m going to have to paint it.
Yes I have to say it glows to much, if you like the color of the house and dont want to paint the outside. I would paint the inside with a thick coat of white and then put a coat of black the light wont shine through and the first coat of white should keep the black from showing through.
Good suggestion! I’ll give it a try.
One more:
A few more:
SPECTACULAR!!! this is an awsome layout very very very very very very very very very very very very very nice… what scale did u say you model in? it looks like HO
and by the way i have the same BNSF engine as u! :] looks great!
Just found this thread. Nie layout. I like the attention to detail and the variety. I agree that it is nice to watch a train run through scenery. There are many spots where you have the great detail that I think makes for realism. Thanks for sharing.
SPECTACULAR!!! this is an awsome layout very very very very very very very very very very very very very nice… what scale did u say you model in? it looks like HO
Thanks for the kind comments. The layout is “N” scale.
Thanks for the comments. Here are a few more.
Aha, so that’s why you have so much railroad in such a little area!
Looks fantastic, I’ve got a long way to go before I can show anything like what you have here.
-Chris ™
Looks great, and I noticed a Chessie loco in one of the pics… nice touch, especially when I’m a Chessie man! Keep up the good work.
Looks great, and I noticed a Chessie loco in one of the pics… nice touch, especially when I’m a Chessie man! Keep up the good work.