Layout Pictures (6)

I have new pics on my layout. Please tell me what you think. The link is
Any adivce on how i can make them better? Or tell me little thing you would do to make them better?
Thank you,

Michael, it is looking good. Looks like you are getting the surrounding scenery going. The debris between the tracks in the first picture looks effective.

Are you planning on ballast? It looks like you may have weathered the track already?

One other thing, since you use Picture Trail. You can go to the “Get URL” section and copy and paste the [img] defined URL which will then put the picture right into your post here, rather than having to follow a link.

You appear to be well on your way to a very convincing scene. I like the way the rails are weathered. Some ballast with some “rust” bleed off from the rails would really tie it all together. The trees and grass look good too.

Thank you for the compliment from both of you. I plan on ballasting but i just haven’t gotten the ballast for that part of the track and then i will try to add the rust thing. i like that idea. i have weathered the track a little bit. The trees i made my self and the grass is just corse turf. simon1966 thank you for the picture trail picture thing. I could not figure out how to use that. i will use it on my next post.

I like it!

Nice weathering job on those hoppers!


nice pics the weateherjob on the cars look nice as well

Thanks. I just coated them lightly with watered down woodland scenics asfault top coat. Then wiped some of it off with an old rag. As you can see they came out well. As i add more scenery i will take more pictures. Thanks for looking.


Good progress Michael. There are so many things to do at once. What you have done is nice work. Keep us posted. We all need the encouragement of success.

Keep up the good work, Michael. As a fellow EL modeler, I want to wish you continued success on your layout. Keep doing what you’re doing…it is working.


thanks. do you think you could help me out real quick? i am trying to model the earily 60’s but i don’t know what engines (EL) ran at that time. Any advice?

thnx for more pics, great scenery once agian

The EL had quite a variety of locos, especially later in it’s history. But I would start with any combination of EMD cab units…F3, F7, E8 or ALCO FA and PA units. You could get a GP7 or GP9, and RS2 or RS3… Also, if you have a yard, I would get an SW7, or an S2 or S3 (The RS units would often switch cars in the yard as well as run out on the main with local or even named trains). The EL purchased ALCO C424s in 1963 and C425 in 1964, U25Bs and GP35s in 1964, also. Most of these engines were operated well into the 1970s. Good luck.


Very nice pics, I like the close up shots the best. Could you turn on the loco’s headlight? That would add a lot to the overall effect.

Thank you Everyone. Mike that is very useful. Now i can Figure everything out. Do you also know what kind of passenger cars were run at that time? i have a bunch of them and i have some heavy weight pullmans but they are PRR’s. i will try to turn on the head lights but, i don’t have DCC. how would I turn it on? Thanks everyone!

Here are 2 more i took. I got one with the engine light on. What do you think?

That looks great! Thanks

once again nice pics i like the passenger cars

Thanks again you guys. do you have any tips to make them better?

near the front of the pasenger train im not sure but it looks like some cork is showing and also try makin a more interesting backdop maybe put a few clouds or something.

about the headlights look under the shell make sure the lights are wired corectly or arent burned out if everything appears right they should be on when u turn on the power