Well I have not got too far on progress for the new layout. I did win the battle with my daughter on just who’s space the basement is and have been in planning mode since.
I was a little taken back by the cost to install the acoustic ceiling above the table. As has been pointed out now is the time to do it. I also have to run power for the layout and lighting so at this point I am in saving and planing mode.
I do have some more requests from all of you on what to use for table noise reduction.
I plan to use ReadyGrass sheets over the top of the table summer grass on the left side where the outer loop and switchyard will be and forest grass on the right where the logging camp will be.
Can I get suggestions and or pictures of what others have used under the groundcover to reduce table noise?
Thanks in advance everyone!
Walls are done, top is on, now the wife tells me I need stop buying trains on E-bay and save more $$$. I did get a nice # 41 switcher for the logging camp and a Norfolk & Southern Dash 8-40C # 8689 for a power house on the mail outer loop. J
A very good product, which is also relatively inexpensive, is “SoundStop” or “SoundBoard” can’t remember which name is correct. Believe the manufacturer is Celotex. It is a compressed product similar to ceiling tiles and comes in a 4x8 sheet 1/2" thick. It is fairly dusty when cut so if you are cutting/shaping in the basement be sure to have a shopvac running to suck-up the the dust & fuzz. It holds track screws quite well and the scraps can be used to build rock ledges etc. during the scenery phase. Just don’t run the track screws thru the underlayment into the plywood deck, that will eliminate much of the benefit of the underlayment. Also it will help the longevity of the product to give both sides a good coat of primer, preferrably tinted. Plain old white primer can sometimes be a pain to hide. [2c]
Have you considered drywall? It requires a little skill, and you have to have all the electrical done first. But it may be more economical, especially if you DIY.
I don’t know your point of view as to whether it is a prewar or hi rail layout. I have a prewar Marx layout and I used foam carpet padding that I used contact cement to tack down and then took a roller to it and painted it green, It is very effective for sound deadening For what little shrubs and tree I have I used scenic cement. It was inexpensive and effective for a flat surface without mountain ranges etc. . I have put up drywall ceilings and it looks the best, but that installation is a whole subject onto itself. It too is pretty inexpensive compared to grid systems IMO.
Yeah I know but drywall is not in the works. Too much stuff I may need to service. Just happens the table is under the house main run. So I need to go the acoustic ceiling grid system. I can also expand it when or if I decide to do the rest of the basement.
Lionel 027 , 42" , and 54" almost everything I have is post-war Lionel 027 but I want to be able to use some of the nice o gauge on the large outer loop so I will stay 042 or bigger on it. and the switchyard can be 027
I’m with DOUG DA GRUMP, homesote is the product he is describing. I have it on my layout, got it from local lumber co. Lowes in some places do stock it, its about 15 bucks a sheet. Takes screws well to hold down track. If you can’t get that go with the ridget foam in 2 inck thickness, BUCKEYE and others have used this and they really like it. Hope this jelps?
You don’t need to cover the entire layout with sound reducing material, keep that in mind. I have used Homasote in the past, but if you don’t have access to a truck it can be difficult to haul as it comes in 4x8 sheets. I used ceiling tiles (like those you just used for the accoustic ceiling). I cut them down to the width of the track ties plus 1 inch on either side. I then used carpet padding for the subroad base inside the tunnels and woodland scenic’s foam roadbed for the visible areas. Then laid the track and ballasted after the scenery was done.
On my layout I use the pink 4 x 8 sheets of styrofoam insulation that Lowes or Home Depot carries. Easy to work with, helps to reduce noise, and can be carved for streams or ponds. After I lay the sheet on top of the plywood I put a coat of Brown laytex paint on the foam then work in my scenery.
Yes KEVIN, thats the stuff, we even use this stuff for bulletine boards here at school. Easy to cut but as DOUG said is quite messy with the fibers so make sure you have a shop vac. Good luck.
I will head to Menards this week and look at the options. I also like the idea of the pink 4 x 8 sheets of styrofoam insulation, sounds like you can work in ponds like Bill T said. Guess I need to go look Anyway I have to get my material for the power to the table so I will look then. Let you know how it goes when I get that far.
Well Kevin…My wife hates eBay, but I’ve scored some great deals there. I honor of my bride’s feelings, and always trying to make her laugh, I posted a sign in my train room, and it says…
My wife said if I buy one more train, she’s going to leave me…
Ha, yeah I just told my mife that the #41 switcher is hers because she thinks it is cute. The Norfolk & Southern Dash 8-40C # 8689 will be delivered today it will be my first modern era engine and only engine with twin motors. I can’t wait to get my hands on it. It calls for O gauge or better curves but my test layout in the shed is 027 so I don’t know if I will be able to run it till I get the new layout in the basement done but I sure will try. I have been able to run my 1934 American Flyer tin set on it to some luck ( can’t have alll of the cars on it or they fall over in the curves ) and the same with my General Models 1,000 Hp switcher which are both O gauge trains.
Since I retired I have to keep my wife around because she is still working and now I am spending her money for a change.