Layout Progress. Pics included

Hey everyone! Here is some more progress pics of my layout.

Starting to “Draw” out the track plan on the benchwork. The paper is the print out from the track plan I designed with XtrkCad software.

Here are some of my switches layed out over the foam just to make sure that it is all going to fit correctly.

After I layed all the paper out I used a tracing tool for sewing to make little dots on the foam. After I removed the paper I traced the dots with a sharpie marker.

Here is some of the roadbed after it is glued down. I used the foam roadbed from woodland scenics and Elmers school glue to glue it down.

That is it for now! I am hoping ot lay some track as soon as this weekend. I will post more pics as I get more work done.


Looking good!!! You’re already farther ahead than I am in getting the layout built…I guess I’d better buckle down and get busy.

Keep us posted on the progress.

Don Z.

Nice work Mike, I’ll have to catch up too.


Tracks are layed in the inner loop and I have run a loco around it with no derailments!! [:)]
I had a little flaw but that was easily fixed. I am going to start the outer loop later tonight. I will post pics later as well.

One question,what are the measurements of your benchwork? Jerry

the table top is 4x8 the legs are 3x6 the table sets on top and bolts to the legs. I built it this way to be moved easy. I can provide you more pics of the legs and tabletop if you want. Just let me know or send me an E-mail.

Hi Mike, I would appreciate any info or pics you could post on the construction of the benchwork. Mine will be around 5’ x 8.5’ . I like your trackplan with the train shed parallel to the main line and figure with the extra space I could add a siding or two. Benchwork first though and I could use any ideas to keep it stable and lightweight as possible. Foam over plywood is definately planned.


That looks like MY layout…[:D]

Looks awesome. Guess thats why I stold it from you.
I just started ordering track to get mine going. I am still scared about it all working out.

Did you ever get a chance to work on those things I asked you about for mine?