Layout Wiring

I have just finished designing my layout and have now started looking at wiring it.
I am planning on wiring for just plain old dc common rail using Walthers #5 turnouts and Walthers code 83 flextrack. I have designed my layout to be setup
for two cabs, a switcher cab and mainline cab. I also have a freight yard with a
engine terminal and turntable.

Now with all of that being said, do I just use Atlas Selectors to control my blocks and then use the Atlas Controller to operate the turntable ? or do I need to do something different ?

Route Rocker

The Atlas components are a great way to start out. If you don;t have one, pick up one of the Atlas layout books that show complete wiring diagrams with the Atlas electrical components, that will give you a good idea of what you need. You have the right idea though, the Controller to run the turntable, and Selectors attached after that to chose which power pack runs each block.


Here’s a link to show you The Complete Atlas Wiring Book

If you think you will ever want to swtich to DCC, DON’T use common-rail wiring. Wire is not expensive, so spend the money and use two wires everywhere.