Layout Work Update

Just thought that I would keep you all up to date on my progress. As some of you read last week We began the benchwork, Yesterday another 3x4 section and a 2X6 section was completed. The best I figure is that now the first third or so is done. Also started working on the walls to make it more of a rustic cabin look. Tomorrow will be flooring day and I hope to pick up some foam while I’m at it (if the check book agrees). So things are coming along faster than expected and soon I will start to lay some track so that I have something to play with…pictures coming soon, hopefully this weekend or next week I’ll keep you all updated. [8D]


It is nice to make good progress. If you are like me, it wont always be like this. I really stalled at the end of the Summer and until the week between Christmas and the New Year did nothing on the layout. Now I am right back into it and making progress.

I’m sure that there will be some slow periods, but I’m hoping to stay pretty steady at least with the benchwork and get that done in the next 2-3 weeks. But we do have a lot of work to do, finishing the walls in the basement and lying carpet down, But my goal is to start with track within the next couple of weeks.