I’ve have heard everyone’s advice, and greatly appreciate it, and have decided to scale down my layout. I have always like the Super Pretzel, however can i add a Roundhouse fully equipped. ( I guess that’s how you say it) I want too buy the package from Atlas can they add this too that package?

Oh, and will concentrate only on the B &O , C&O!!!

Thank you , and hope you don"t mind my questions!!!

Folks are here to answer questions.

I know sometimes we get our bubbles burst, when we have an idea and the folks here tell us it is a bit out of the realm of reality. Getting corrected isn’t always fun, but it can save a lot of frustration, time and money down the road. One thing I have found is that the trains are bigger and the space smaller, when you transfer sketches to reality. What we envision won’t always fit the way we want it to.

Have fun,


The Atlas Roundhouse is made to work with the Atlas Turntable. Both are set with the stalls 15 degrees apart, and the front “apron” for the roundhouse is the right size to work with that turntable, too.

In HO scale, this is a small turntable, 9 inches or 68 scale feet. It’s OK for small steam engines or short first-generation diesels. The roundhouse is also short, suited for engines that would fit on the turntable.

The turntable itself is modeled as a wood deck turntable, not a more common pit turntable with a rotating bridge. With some effort, I converted mine to a pit turntable. This satellite photo

was taken from a ladder I had in the train room to change my smoke detector battery. The scene measures about 24 inches from the left edge of the turntable to the back wall of the roundhouse, and about 16 inches top to bottom not including the two outdoor stall tracks. The roundhouse has 3 stalls, and it’s designed so that it wouldn’t be too difficult to buy two kits and splice them together.