…if any of you blokes could get me a ready to run loco of the stle compatible with my rail line (i.e. some type of 2-4-0, 2-6-0, 4-4-0, 4-4-2, 4-6-0 or even 4-8-0 steam locomotive) complete with battery power and basic r/c (speed control, start forward/reverse, stop) even without sound… and quoted me a price that I could save up for.
I am inclinded to say I would make it a reality, with funds, in about six months.
Anyone know where I could meet such a person?
Capt Carrales
Why not correspond with one of the advertizers from the mag who could probably give you a pretty good idea of bottom line cost so that you would have a target to save for.
Once you got that amount and a cushion (shipping & handling) saved up you’d probably be very close and should soon be able to go ahead and order!
Hi Capt Carrales
Have you thought about getting a Bachmann loco and battery powering that with an RC set from one of the avalable sets in the US.
RCS do railway RC sets and are avalable in the US they have a good reputation but can offer no further comment as I have not used one.
regards John
You might also want to consider Aristocraft’s On-board Train Engineer. I’ve installed one in a B’mann Indy and it’s working just fine so far. I believe that it’s the least expensive of the available on-board systems. There is a very friendly support forum on the Aristo website that should answer almost any question that might come up.
As far as I can tell the “toy” R/C units are probably not a good idea. Most operate at 27MHZ and are susceptible to interference from “dirty” CB units. and thier range is very limited.