Let's Liv'n Up the Forum !

Can’t resist this thread :slight_smile:

Who makes the best trains? …… I can appreciate the wondrious stuff produced by every manufacturer - it’s fun to compare the ‘same’ engine put out by different manufacturers. In fact, that would make some neat articles.

- Which system is better?. Why conventional of course. Why mess with these new fangled computerized doo-hickies.

- Post War vs Modern? Where’s the Pre-War. They run like clocks. I feel discriminated against.

- What about Road Names? Sodor Island Raillways, Johnston Traction Company, Chicago Surface Lines, Chicago, South Shore and South Bend, Chicago, Aurora and Elgin, all the biggies.

- Scenery What’s that? Oh, you mean the astroturf, cardboard, lichen, and construction paper that is bunched around my layout.

- What about the moderators? Who is the most tolerant? I agree Bob is best.

And who is most critical? Then of course who is the most unreasonable? We all know who that is…

Finally, Which Forum members is the most ridiculous? Why, I vote for this Don Baker character. [;)]

And who has the most insignificant post? My posts are pretty inane.

Maybe discuss Europen Clockwork Trains. Just wind them up and let them run.

Kinda like politicians, huh !

[swg] [swg] [swg]

[bow][(-D][(-D] ^ whut he said…!

Grayson, stuck on yourself, huh!!! Well, at least he is a REB. That is better than the alturnatvie.

Chief, I thought by now my Northerness would be fondly growing on you. I must try harder.


Rich, if you had mentioned the Rock Island Railroad under railroad names, there would have been no need for me to contribute my useless drivel. [swg] After just reading for the first time from start to finish the “TCA York Meet Issues” thread, I think everyone needs this thread to lighten up a bit. Thanks Don. [tup] And Bob Keller did a masterful job by judiciously letting the thread run. [tup]


All I did was answer the questions in my opinions… Why does that make me think of myself as being great? I’m not really understanding this at all.

Only so much fondness is allowed for Yankees.

Grayson, you are OK.

Grayson - he’s being funny. He tries, misses the mark, and then it is OUR job to make fun of him! [tup][;)] Oh and just so you don’t forget… No matter how good you think you are… there is always a woman to remind you that you aren’t. [:-^] Just ask Susan. [;)]

I’m confused. Then why did they marry us? Don’t burst my bubble now and say they just needed an indentured slave to work on the “honey do” lists. [:(] [swg]


OH NO, the guy from Merryland is trying to get back at me. I wonder why? [:-^]

Hmmm… Okay I suppose… I am a humorous person but unless somebody clues me in that they being funny, I’ll take the completely opposite stand. Chief did not include any smileys or such in his post so I had no idea whether he was joking or not.

Sarcasm is sooooo subtle, sometimes…[:-^][swg][(-D][(-D]

Which system is better? UCS / 022c controllers and a postwar ZW…make that 2 ZWs

Post War vs Modern? Do I have to answer that?

Well, everyone knows I love Post War ZW’s. Got a bunch. Easy to work on and great power. Swap out the Lionel breaker for a automotive resetting breaker [good advice from Bob Nelson] and they are even better. Second to ZW is KW.