Let's see your filthy locomotives.

I’d say it was a successful experiment.

Both of these are modeled after prototype photos. GP 7 B&M 1715 was repainted in a simplified bicentenial color scheme in 1976; by 1979 it was showing some hard use.

GP 38 MEC 251 is fairly clean, but 263 ran into some muddy weather


NS Ex-Conrail SD45

I used a prototype picture of a Conrail SD45 and advanced the weathering a few years.

I’d show a pic of my HVS F7B I’m working on, but it’s barely 1/4 done (done in MW orange, with the old pinstriped scheme starting to show through) In replacement, I’d show our other 3 filthy beasts-Logan (shepherd/elkhound), Magick (border collie/alaskan mix) & Raven (black tomcat) but they’ve all received baths within the past week, as well as flea collars [:D]

Well, here’s one that I’ve repainted. I can’t remember if it’s sEC #770 now, or if I cut it up. and yes, I know it’s a piece of crap job. why do you think none of my other locos are weathered?

Oh, Jeffery, this is one filthy wee beast. I’m at the stage where I need to do some design weathering to my transition period steam loco fleet. Straight out of the box looks just too perfect. When my digi camera is repaired I’ll share some pix.


Here’s an Athearn SD40-2 with an added wide cab and some weathering as per prototype:

Quite a few in my Rail Images photo album.


I can only post small pictures here.


These are mine so far. I also have a berkshire that is weathered lightly but it does not show in the pic. The rest of my stuff sits on a shelf unpainted while I search for the pine river falls paint scheme.

Had this one but it is now stripped and has been detailed with various parts and awaits its’ turn at the paint shop.

Almost all of my engines are filthy and that’s just the way I like them! LOL