Lets talk modelling intermodal yards in HO

Hello All,

I am in the process of starting my intermodal yard and I was wondering if I could get some feedback. I have a 3’ wide by 12’ long portion on my layout for my yard/intermodal yard. I have a few questions I need answered if possible;

  1. Is this big enough for a combination HO scale yard and intermodal yard?

  2. Can I have both an intermodal yard and freight yard in the same location?

  3. Assuming I have a double track mainline entering the yard and a single track mainline leaving the yard for future expansion, what kind of track arrangement would be reasonable taking into account if I could both have an intermodal yard and yard? Could I encorporate a run around track?

  4. Could I encorporate an intermodal yard along with an autorack loading/unloading facility? What about a piggyback loading/unloading facility?

  5. What is the best and easiest way to model a concrete lot with embedded rails besides using plaster (I find this really messy and time consuming)?

  6. Besides a couple of Mi-Jack Cranes, Forklift Cranes, Containers, Trailer Shunts with Trailers and a yard office, what other signature scenes would I need?

  7. Would anyone have any weathered Mi-Jack Cranes, Forklift Cranes, Trailer Shunts with Trailers for sale (I am not good at assembling and weathering structures/equipment so I would rather just avoid this part of the hobby)?

If there are any other ideas, please feel free to contribute.



That should be more than enough room for what you want .

I work in a yard that handles both Intermodal and Auto rack Loading and unloading plus some general freight . The Yard here has the Auto Ramp on the west side of the yard and the Intermodal is on the East side with Storage tracks and out bound tracks in between .

Some of the other structures you will need is a couple of air compressor buildings .Garages for the trucks and the car dept . an engine tie - up track , guard shacks , and a crane shop .

Run around tracks won’t be necessary if your yard and ramp tracks are double ended .

Also here we have an industrial spur that goes to several warehouses and an interchange track . And the job that works this track has a caboose !

Hope this helps