Lettering removal-Bachman Spectrum

Have just bought a new(DCC) Bachman Spectrum 2-8-0 loco lettered in

yellow for the Southern. What will remove the lettering ??? (heavy applied) and hopefully

leave the black undercoat so I can decal for my own road.

I’m not sure if the Spectrums are decaled or tampo printed. On the DCC OnBoard Bachmann FT I stripped a few weeks ago, the lettering was a decal. Easy Off oven cleaner took the decal right off, and didn’t hurt the original paint.

If it’s printed, you might try 600 grit wet dry sandpaper, or 70-91% isopropyl alcohol on a q-tip.

I have also removed lettering without damaging the original paint, using Kresto painters hand cleaner, available at a good automotive paint supply house.

I’m sure there are other methods, and some others will post their experiences soon.


A search on the Bachmann Forum indicates a wide variety of methods suggested by members. Some of the methods are quite questionable.

One method recommended by some of the more senior members is removing the lettering/logo’s by using an ink eraser. The type that comes in a pencil form. The information supplied indicates it will take about a good 5-7 minutes of erasing before the lettering/logo starts to come off, then the remaining lettering/logo material will erase quite quickly.

Apparently if it is done correctly there will be little or no damage to the paint behind the lettering/logo.

[soapbox] I just carefully mask the lettering I want to eliminate then paint over it (gasp-with a brush) with Polly Scale steam engine black. Unless you look real close or are a severe “rivet counter”, once re-lettered you cannot even notice the paint. It does take patience but normally one coat will cover. Just my opinion. [C):-)]

I have had success removing painted on lettering with 3M automotive scratch remover which can be found at your local auto parts store. I put it on a wood Q-TIP and rub gently, it comes off rather quickly leaving a very smooth surface for decal application. This method has worked very well for re-numbering Kato diesels and should work for you also. Remember–easy does it, this method is technique sensitive. Enjoy