LGB 55070 and 55075

I am thinking about using these two units together but i am having trouble getting my brain around the instructions.

Can anyone tell me if i can stop a loco in a particular section and then still detect that a loco is in that section?

Rgds Ian


You should contact Mr. Joe Miceli in our service department. (800) 669-0607 ext.701.
My gut feeling is that we don’t have a product to do this but the service department can give you the final word.

Thanks Jack;

I can do it, but not as nicely as i would like.

Say i go through a set of points onto a section that is normally isolate but is energised when the points are oriented to it. along this section and onto the next monitored section which is a reversing loop. The train goes around the loop and the points are switched to another direction, so that when the train gets back to the isolated section it stops.

The loco is no longer on the monitored section but if it is pulling a wggon with some kuggel wheels connected to an electrical load, it will appear to be occupied.

Do you have his email address, i am a pensioner living in Queensland.

Thanks and did you like my article on reversing loops?

Rgds Ian


Haven’t been home for a while. I still have your article in my “to read” pile.
Joe can be contacted at jmiceli@lgb.com.

Thanks mate, why havent you been home have you had a fallout with the missus?


PS thanks for the info i will be in touch with him.

Business travels.