I don’t know if many people are interested in this subject but finally after months i have my layout up to the standard that i can use one. I had no trouble at all programming it and it is truely brilliant.
I have divided my area 2 up into 4 sectors and when a loco enters any one sector it will operate one of 4 sets of points (switchs). when it leaves that sector; the points are also operated but in the opposite direction.
I am very inerested in this subject. I have and read LGB’s manual on EPL, and it might as well be written in Greek(no offence intended). Our club has had several workshops on EPL wiring. They have always been over everyone’s head, and as a result no questions are asked, for fear of looking stupid. Myself included. It is a source of frustration.
Its not a new idea, its been around for yonks but as usual LGB don’t explain it very well i read the blurb and reread it many times and finally i took the plunge and it is much sinmpler and does a better job than you would think!
Sorry dennis they are on ebay for about US$90 plus.
Rgds ian
Heritage, there is a booklet on this subject called EPL circuits or similar i got mine on ebay for about US$9.00 but this detction module is light years ahead of that booklet.