Where can I find LGB R3 curve track? the one hobby store near me only has R1 and I can only find R1 & R2 at online stores [%-)]
Mr-Ash, Try ebay you should find some on there[:)]
Yeah thats what I figured, its the only place I have seen some sofar… mostly used/over priced though [V]
Mr. Ash - don’t know how urgent you are in need of this track but Märklin has resumed LGB track production and R3 (as well as other radii) will again be available at retailers -exactly when is uncertain but I would not be surpised if some started re-appearing shortly. Word has come down that the price increase is only 15% above late 2006 prices as compared to a 100% increase by Aristo that was announced after LGB (under former ownership) had officially stopped production. eBay has not been a great place to buy this track lately since desperate bidders who are unaware of the coming replenishment have pushed prices into ridiculous ranges.
A little patience will pay off.
Nice, Ill try and wait a bit then. I got a bunch of straight track from a local hobby shop at $4 a foot (pretty much bought out what they had instock) dont want to spend to much [:P]
Just curious as to how long the strights were. You don’t want a lot (if any) of the 1, and 2 foot sections on your mainline, that is just asking for continuity problems. If so, it is very easy to clean the end of the rails and the inside of the joiners and solder them together. Thats what I did with a bunch of Aristo 1ft. sections and they are now 5ft.
Just curious Al, do you happen to have any estimation on price for the new track? I was thinking about ripping out my 332 and switching to possibly code 250 because I cannot afford any of the Aristo stuff. Or maybe a website? Thanks.
Mostly 4’ sections with some 2’ sections, I dot have any 1’ pieces ATM
Try Charles Ro in Malden, MA. I have gone there in person many times and also ordered online. They are a very good retailer and prices aren’t bad. But be prepared to pay the price for brass LGB track. Prices have shot up over the last six months if you can even find it. They are at www.charlesro.com.
Train 284 — Why rip up? I believe there are transition fittings to mate the two different sizes of track! You could keep the old stuff and just add transition and then the new stuff for new addittions!
Ridge Road Station has lots of LGB brass R3 curves instock now! Some R3 switches too [:O]
Ridge Road Station has lots of LGB brass R3 curves instock now! Some R3 switches too [:O]
I think they have some of the best prices as of now. I looked on a lot of sites and seems ridgeroad is the best.
Yes they do have very good prices on track, Shipping is fast too! [:D]
I have been noticing that in the last month or so Ridge Road has been getting alot more LGB items instock [dinner]
Thats likely due to Marklin resumming shipping of LGB products, from what I’ve read, track had the top priority.
Yeah thats what I figured they have gotten a bunch of LGB turnouts, various rollingstock and a bunch of misc accessories instock last couple weeks. When I ordered my last case of 12 R3 curves I put the quanity upto 500 just to see what they had and it said can not add more than current stock of 493 [:O] so they got a few dozen cases of R3 [dinner]
Got my fingers crossed they get some more of those lighted LGB caboose marker lights soon [:P]