Can someone direct me to an online source for lichen. I’m looking to put together a large background hillside forest of fall foliage.
BTW, I’m also considering using balls of polyfiber covered with appropriately-colored ground foam. I actually have an almost endless supply of polyfiber since my dog has discovered tha comfortors around our house contain the stuff that he loves so much.
Any advice either way would be appreciated.
Can’t help you with the lichen but I’ve had good success making background trees with polyfiber balls spray painted green and then covered with ground foam and a light dusting of blended grass. I add an occasional dead tree (a painted but otherwise undecorated Woodland Scenes tree) to add interest. I place more detailed trees in the front row to create the illusion that the polyballs are full trees as well. Polyfiber is cheap and you can make several trees in an evening. The big drawback for me is dealing with the mess of spray adhesives and ground foam. I truly end up with a green thumb! Perhaps some other modelers have developed ways of making trees without getting their hands all sticky?
You’ll find your “online lichen”
Matt–Hershey, Pa.