life like easy track?

How would you guys put ballast on life like easy track?

[#welcome] SReeves14!

You could probably just put a thin layer of ballast over the plastic roadbed and then spray it with woodland scenics scenic cement (now there’s a tongue twister) or matte medium.
But I definetly think that track without plastic roadbed like atlas code 100 or 82 placed on cork or foam roadbed and then ballasted would look much better.

Also - Be careful not to get ballast into the switch points or motors as this could damage the turnout or hinder its operation.

I have seen a picture of some ballasted N scale Kato Unitrack and they modeler only ballasted the sides so ballast wouldn’t prevent smooth operation.

I like woodland scenics ballast the best. It comes in a variety of colors and sizes to suit your needs. It also comes in a handy containter with a sifter sort of lid.

Happy MRing

coat roadbed with white glue , I use a bru***hen sprinkle on the ballast