Life Like to do 2-10-2's, RS-27's and U30B's!!!

VERY informative!!! I like the RS-27s, but not 'til 2006?!? OUCH!!! Why don’t the manufacturers have this info available, though??? Oh well, time to start saving those pennies…[8D]

Well, considering no manufacturer supports you Canadian steam freaks (the jerks), the USRA 2-10-2 is about as close as you’re going to get. I did a quick search online, and came up with one photo of 5811:

Compare her to a pretty stock USRA heavy 2-10-2:

Mostly, the valve gear hangers are wrong, as is the cab. Everything else is pretty minor detailing work. I think you could pull off a pretty convincing 5800-series engine with a USRA to start with (but don’t tell the purists!)

At last, someone is producing a GE U-Boat, with sound! Looking forward to it. For those that remember, the prototypes were LOUD! U-Boats at full throttle could be heard several miles away. I hope that QSI accurately captured the sound! Looking forward to it.

Looks like a swell engine, but I don’t think I’ll be very willing to pay the hundreds of dollars it’s gonna cost… how big a pricetag do you imagine for these?

You got something against Canadian Steam enthusiasts[:(!][:0]!? (not jerks)

NO! The jerks are the manufacturers! I don’t model Canadian steam, but I’ve spent many hundreds of miles riding behind it (mostly 6060), and would love to have a few (inexpensive) models of my favorite Canadian engines.

RS-27’s. Why would anyone want that swill in anything but brass is beyond me. Lets see why don’t they make a C855, Dh 643 while their at it. Oh wait I own one of them in brass and its very doubtful anything plastic could compare. My message is this with all the interesting models that could be made, why these models. What compelled them to announce an RS-27. Probably somebodys favorite locomotive not to mention the tooling costs to be astronomical. (Or so I’ve been told) Now I don’t hate Alco’s (better quality century series would be very welcome). Another classic example of a model that makes very little to no sense. Definately a non buyer even though they’ll probably make them in UP.