Can anyone tell me if life-like’s 60 foot streamlined passenger cars such as the vista dome, domed diner and full dome car are based on real prototypes, or are they a figment of some designer’s imagination?
I think a 60 foot baggage car could be prototypical, but most of the shorter passenger cars are reworked to go around 18" curves without sweeping the rest of the layout clean. For cheap and happy, and the right length, I like the Concor cars, and if RivaRossi makes the right configuration, they would be ok too. My fond hope is that Branchline or Walthers will discover that the world didn’t end in the thirties and produce the later cars in their nicer newer series.[:D] J.R.
60 foot shorties existed in baggage, RPO, and some branchline coaches. The rest is largely figmental. All Dome cars are are 85’, and shortened to accomodate a 4X8 layout - and a no less a lot of the owners imagination
Fictional cars.