LifeLike Proto 2000 DCC Conversions (HO Alcos)

Background: months ago I posted some videos comparing a small oval speaker and dual sugarcubes in a Genesis GP9 where I switched to a LokSound, and also a P2K E6 where I could fit a LokSound and dual 1.1" HiBass speakers.

The last couple days I converted a LL/P2K DCC ready like-new PA unit that I had acquired, and got the PB unit ready (lubed, truck wires soldered, speakers mounted with silicone). It seems that comparitive videos are in order (and I’m trying better to figure out Movie Maker, file types and how to best post here). So here are two videos, the first a DCC ready Kato RSC-2, with LokSound Select and dual 13x18mm sugarcube speakers (enclosed via the roof curve) and the other video of the PA unit with added LokSound, LED lights and dual 1.1" HiBass speakers. It’s interesting that the decoders and sound files (Alco 244) are the same. But the speaker comparison is not quite apples to apples in that, of course, the shells are different but also the RSC-2 sounds have been tweaked as the horn sound, in particular, distorts at full volume with the sugarcubes.

Here’s the PA unit video (I hope):

Never mind this reply, I had problems getting 2 videos above but solved it.