LifeLike's web site

By now, the announcement that LikeLike was bought out by Walthers is old news. Has anyone heard whether Walthers is planning on getting the LL website back up and running any time soon?


Call Walthers, 1-800-487-2467, Mike Federrly, Customer Service, ext 3267 and then Share.

I’ll be surprised if it ever comes back up. All the stuff is now on Walthers’ site.

Why would Walthers maintain a separate website for one of their own product lines? Everything is now folded into their own site.

Bob Boudreau

There were several things I used off the Lifelike site that are now gone. One of them was the archived list of locomotives Proto 2000. it was really handy for older loco’s.


Bob’s right, there is no way Walthers will maintain and PAY FOR another website.

Problem is finding Proto products on Walthers web site

It’s going to be interesting a year from now to see what will happen to the whole lifelike product line and if there will be any new offerings.

Bob DeWoody


I totally understand your point and agree with what you are saying. It was just nice to be able to check on that particular line to see what offerings they had and what was coming down the line.


The cost of adding another website to an existing website is about $35 a year for the domain. Especially when it’s just reference material that has been archived. If they have to update it, the cost goes up but is not untenable IMHO.

Thats weird, I can still get on the Life-Like’s website, and view all the stuff with no porblems! Hmmm…is it just me?

Well, Ok until now, but I was on there a few days ago looking at stuff. Werid.

The computer will often “cache” web pages on your hard drive. That way, if you return to a page it can simply restore it from the local machine instead of going out and downloading everything again. This is one of the tricks they play to give you “higher speed,” particularly on dial-up, but it can be used for broadband, too. Usually, the files will be deleted after a while so they don’t go on gobbling up disk space forever.

What probably happened is that you still had the LifeLike pages cached, so you could still see them, but now they’re gone.