I have seen many layout plans that include access to remote parts of the layout by means of lifting a section or sections of rail to open an aisle or passageway. None of these plans explains how the rail is joined so as to ensure reliable electrical conductivity, as well as smooth, non-derailing operation. Can you suggest some ways to do this? Since different locations may require different configurations, the more suggestions you have, the better!
Jay there’s a number of ways to solve this both from the construction and electrical standpoints.
Suggest that you get some of the Kalmbach or Carstens books on benchwork and layout wiring as they do address your question. On a club layout we once used wooden dowel pins to hold the lift out piece in alignment and simply jumpered the tracks to the corresponding permanent section using 2pin electrical plugs…Vic
Also, another method is to cut a couple rail joiners,one half to three quarters long, and put them on one of the tracks, and slide them over when you lift the section up. I read this years ago somewhere.
We’ve published a lot of articles on this subject over the years in MODEL RAILROADER. One of the more recent is Bill Daranby’s story, “Build a magnetic lift-out bridge” in the December '99 issue, page 97.
Good luck,
Andy Sperandeo