"Lift out bridge problem"

Hey All, I added my lift out bridge to my layout, and it looks good, but here’s the trouble,the wiring, I ran my buss wiring underneath the bridge, copper strips on each end, of the bridge, connected to steel screws with the buss wires wrapped around the screws, connecting to two more screws in the benchwork on each side, that are connected to the main buss wire , feeders to the track on the bridge, but there’s a short, I dont get it?? [:(!] Just fraustrated!!!

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I would go over the wiring again. Sounds like one of the wires got crossed somewhere.


Hi snjroy, I will check that out, I’m sure there’s something so minute, that I can’t see it right away, just fraustrating when you think that you build something you think is bulletproof, and yet there’s a problem,

Things like that happen to me all the time. I hope you find the solution.


I will, even if I have to tear it apart, and rebuild it, !!!

Try to isolate the problem. Is this a solid short, always there regardless of whether there’s a train on the bridge? Is the short there if the bridge is removed? Does the track bus continue below the scenery to power the far side of the bridge? By completing the bridge link to the other side, could you have created a reverse loop you didn’t deal with?

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Post a few photos and the problem may just present itself to one of us.

Agreed, a photo or two would help.


On my liftout I have no wires going to the bridge itself’ Just feeder wires at both ends on the main shelve, works perfect. Why would you need wires going to the bridge. I just cut one tie back at each end of the bridge and slide the couplers back then lift out’ when I put the bridge back in I just slide the couplers back to each end of the track on each side and that powers the bridge.


What kind of screws are You using for Your connections??

And what do You mean by short? As in two opposite polarities touching? Or open, no power/elect. in circuit?

Sounds to Me that the screws You are using are very poor conductors for electrical connections and Your problem. Try using brass screws and Your problem should go away. Unless of course, You actually did cross the wires…

Good Luck! [swg]


Could it be possible that adding the bridge that you created an unforseen reverse loop? Just don’t ask me why I would ask such a question.


Hi Frank, I believe I found my problem, I would think it’s a open circuit, meaning well,let me explain, I have two buss wires runing under the bridge itself,( red & black) the red buss wire seems to cause the open as what it seems to be opposite polarities [^o)] I don’t know???, so I diconnect it, and the connection is perfect, I’m usuing brass screws ,they work well. So the problem seems to be pointed at the red buss wire, which is a big mysterie to me, I’m thinking "well if the red buss is not connected, and I have power across my bridge ,than it’s success!!! LOL [8D]Trainsrme1

Wrench567 LOL you asked because your curious, I get it[;)]

I would love to , but for the life of me, I always have problems downloading pics!!

Isolate one end of the contacts. Get a Short you know which end it is. Isolate the other end and repeat. No short with either end the wires on one end are reversed from the other end.