Lighted Caboose (hopefully the final chapter... well maybe not)

Well after several posts and frying 5 LED’s (Oops I forgot the resistor[:(]) I think I’ve got it though the flash shows the resistors and hides the ambient warm LED inside the Caboose it works and on DCC, without polarity concerns.

Looks real good with the lights turned off.


Looks good to me. I have a couple of NYC cabeese that I want to illuminate. I’m sure I’ve missed your previous posts. Care to share a list of materials, summary of construction and circuit drawing?
Good work!

There is a story on how to install end marker lanterns made from LEDs in the Jan. issue of RMC.Smallest LEDs I have ever seen.

Here’s some more pics with related threads. Hope this helps
The four red LED’s are 1.5 mm Miniatronics model # 12-001-12 ordrered through Walther’s The interior light was an 3mm, super white LED picked up at Maritime Hobby and Crafts. The super white LED was dipped in a yellow clear laquer, then a red clear laquer and then dipped in the yellow laquer. This took away the “Blue” hue.


Very nice Ferg-meister.

How did you avoid flicker of the bulb when the polarity reversed? Did you use a rectifier? Where did you get it from?

I guess I should just read the related thread huh?

Please read the related threads as some of the other members provided a wealth of excellent information that anyone interested in DCC should read.

Explains concerns regarding polarity and flicker.


Hey…looks good to me, Fergie…how about a video clip of the ‘lighted’ caboose rolling past some spot? Probably looks REAL cool!!
Very nice work.