I would like to add connectors between the 12 volt DC lighting power buss feeders coming up through the benchwork and the inside of my lighted structures so I can easily remove the structure from its location on the railroad. Since I have a combination of LED and incandescent lights, a polarized connector is preferred. Ideally the connector would be big enough to not allow the feeder wire to retract under the layout (or I could drill a smaller hole in the benchwork) and be glued to the inside of the structure. The feeder wires are 22 gauge.
Sounds like a job for a miniature stereo jack and plug - or just a plain mono plug (2 conductors.)
You could get fancy and mount the jack on the permanent structure somewhere in the building footprint, and then fasten the plug so it will align with the jack when the building is set in place. Alternatively, the jack could be mounted to the building.
Fred Miller uses a pair of brass tubes in the layout and brass rods in the structure. The rods both anchor the structure and provide electrical contact. The structures lift out easily.