Lighting HO Passenger Platforms

Got yet another one for my Forum friends. What’s the best way to hide the wiring when lighting a passenger platform? I have two modified Model Power (made by Pola) platforms that I plan to use as a outdoor stage area in a park. I want to light up said the stage using some JP nano lights to do it. (The platforms came to me as part of a collection of HO items that I was given as the person could no longer model due to age. The JP lights in questtion are the non-sticky ones.) I am trying to figure out how to hide the wires in question. As usual, any assistance that can be provided would be most weelcomed.

You might try electrically conductive paint. I have been using it to make resistor wheelsets, even to the point of running completely across a plastic axle. You should be able to run a bead along each side of the support posts to connect the lamps. I have been using Bare Conductive Electric Paint Pen from Amazon. Keep on mind it’s not actually a paint pen, I use a toothpick to apply it. And it is water soluble so it’s easy to clean up after getting it on your fingers!

When I have exposed exterior wiring, I often use those thin plastic coffee stirrers as conduits. They can be placed alongside supports or building corners and look like downspouts or, well cable conduits.

The way the Just Plug lights are setup, that idea wouldn’t work. However I have seen that idea work for other applications.