after several years in N scale, im collecting and running some ho scale. i have a GP 40 and a gp 35 athearn. really like the engines, smooth running and quiet. the lights only shine inside the cab though, no headlight on either end. can this be fixed? would it be worth the trouble? i was a little surprised about this. thanks…
I remove the light standard from it’s base inside the loco, leaving the base attached to the frame and solder a piece of rail to the base. I position a light bulb where it will line up with the hole(s) for the headlight and secure it to the piece of rail with a bit of hot glue. I solder one lead from the light to the piece of rail and the other lead to the positive pickup of the front truck. Sometimes I do this for the rear as well, though I have to drill a tap hole to mount the rial piece in there.
thanks for the info…i’ll give it a try…
You may want to try this as well.