Does anyone know way VIA Rail always shuts the power off in the passenger cars before entering the station at Montreal?
Because they shut the locomotive down, thus shutting down the Auxiliary Power Unit, driven by
the diesel engine. Lack of adequate ventilation forces this. Their only alternative would be to turn the train in making it enter the station
backward, buck that would take too much time.
They plainly cruise on their speed and apply brakes when required to stop.
Not being from the area, I am ignorant a bit on this issue, but weren’t those lines at one time electrified? I recall an issue of Trains magazine a few years back lamenting the retirement of the Montreal electrics. If they did have an existing traction system, why did they do away with it?
But, as I said. I have never been to Montreal, so this could be a totally different operation than the one I am thinking of.
Todd C.
Montreal Central Station was fully electrified and had a fleet of electric engines. But basicaly it was to serve the line going north thru the tunnel, Via trains arrive from the south.
Used to be a few daily Via trains did leave/arrive horth pulled by electrics,(Bud cars to Quebec city and convensional trains to northerh Quebec) but little has ever been remarked on it. But they were hauled by electrics for a few miles north then cut off. (Convensional trains were replced by F-units, bud cars moved on.)
Electrification had previously headed south to reach shops. Now only a few tracks are electric in the station with only MU comuter trains.