Like a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes...

Well guys, here’s my first update on the new layout. When last I left you I was grappling with the decision to destroy my 1 year old 8 x 4 layout. After much consultation, I screwed my courage to the sticking post and got to it. The old 8x 4 was completely dismantled this Saturday past (Feb 11).

The following day I began working on the new bench work, which I am happy to report is now complete!!! Phew! A lot of hard work. Here is my current track plan. You can see the shap of the table which is a U-Shaped Dog-Bone with nice long runs on it.

I’m still unsatisfied with the ladder in the lower end of the “U”. The upper most stub is only long enough for a single engine and no cars. Maybe if I curved it upwards it might be long enough for an engine and at least one car. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated on how you might solve my problem.

Happy Railroading!

It hurts to tear up an old layout. But change comes at a price. The only thing I would suggest is to make your photo enlargable so we can see the detail and then we could comment on it.

Sorry about the image size issue guys. The original jpg that this image comes from is approximately 8" x 5". I can view it just fine on in my various graphics viewers. However, when I upload it to it becomes the tiny image you see above. Try as I might, it still gets miniaturized! Any ideas? The original file is a 64kb jpg which was produced by copying and pasting the layout from Atlas Right Track to Windows Paint.


I’ve run into exactly the same issues. Trying to post photos here seems to be a challenge. I’ve wanted to figure it out, but didn’t want to start yet another “help me with photos” thread. Sorry I don’t have your answer… maybe one of the gurus will repluy and help us both out.

Hi Jack,

Posting photos is not an issue, I do it all the time. The problem is with how Photobucket encrypts and decodes my JPG file of my layout design. For some reason it is shrinking my layout picture down to thumbnail size. The actual file is approximately 8" x 5".

But as for photos, there are lots of replies throughout this site on “how to…”. A quick search should yield your answers.
