Hi. I just thought I’d share these pics:
Hi. I just thought I’d share these pics:
nice but to make your site clickable you need to leave a space at the end befor closing as here
Wow, sharp-looking set. What gauge is OO? Is it compatible with anything on the market today, or is it totally its own animal?
American “OO” is a larger than HO and smaller than “S”.
Very nice set. I’ve been interested in “OO” for many years. I don’t think I’ve seen more than a handful of straight tracks.
The Wikipedia page cited: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OO_gauge discusses English (European) “OO”.
It is not correct for American “OO”, and should not be used as a reference for Lionel, although they do mention Lionel in the article.
Here is another site, which is focused on American “OO”.
Who knows what 18th-century dates are associated with HO and OO scales?
From my collection:
Lionel made the “OO” gauge in both 2 rail and 3 rail sets as well as kits. 2 rail cars can run fine on 3 rail track. All metal construction ether cast or stamped tinplate. Lionel “OO” gauge was never to return after WW II as production centered on “O” and “O27”.
Top Shelf — 1939 - 1941 Lionel “OO” gauge Simi-Scale Hudson Set (3 rail)
2nd Shelf — 1939 - 1941 Lionel “OO” gauge Full Scale Hudson Set (3 rail)
3rd Shelf — 1938 only (first year) Lionel Full Scale Hudson Set (3 rail)
Bottom Shelf — 1940 American Flyer “HO” Hudson Train Set (2 rail)
In this photo is a Lionel “O” gauge #675 is on the top shelf and the “O27” gauge #2046 is on the next to top shelf, the “Flyer HO” is still on the bottom shelf.
That is a nice collection of “OO”.
Lionel made a total of five different “OO” hudsons, each available with the customer’s choice of a whistling or non-whistling tender.
The engines are:
001 scale hudson - 3 rail, 1938 only
The rest were made from 1939 and on
001 scale hudson - 3 rail
002 semi-scale hudson - 3 rail
003 scale hudson - 2 rail
004 semi-scale hudson - 2 rail
In my experience, the 004 was the most difficult to find.
Lionel OO is 4mm to the foot 1:76 Track gauge is 19mm. If you cannot find Lionel OO track, lat track to On3 gauge using hand spiked rail I would guess code100 rail. Just like modelers did before flex track and sectional track. It is time consuming but when done well beautiful to look at. Use Nicke silver rail and chemically blacken the center rail if desired
Ed Samsen
TCA 89-30282 TTOS 6405
The site mentioned already is the largest online resource on American OO, 1/76 scale 19mm or 3/4 inch gauge, which dates to the early 1930s. Readers may also want to check out the American OO SIG of the NMRA: http://www.nmra.org/national/sig/AmericanOO.html John
Adding on to my prior reply, one page long overdue for an upgrade in the American OO Today site was the introductory page on Lionel OO gauge. This I have upgraded and would welcome those interested in Lionel OO to reference it at:
I have been watching some of the auction sites for a decent hudson with all the details and a short train to build a Christmas layout with. I used have a nice 2 rail set but had to sell it to pay bills during a long job layoff. I sure miss that set and it had a lot of setimental value as it came from a close friends collection. Gonna try to go with 3 rail this time. Great pics and just think what might have happened in the world of model trains if Lionel had stuck with OO instead of O after the war. Cheers Mike