I purchased a lionel 2046 shell and assorted parts, to work on as a summer project. Can anyone suggest a paint that is close to the original smoky black of Lionel steamers, as well as a parts diagram or something so I’ll know something about what i’m doing?
I use Krylon #1613 Satin Black spray. There is another great paint to use called OEM that is used to paint automotive trim. I saw some painted that way at show and it looks authentic. Dr. Tinker uses Krylon ultra Flat black and rubbs in WD-40 after its dry. You can get rub on transfers to renumber.
The paint color match is “Lionel #225 Black Satin” from TCA Member Charles Wood. It can be had in Spray or Can and matches the TCA Color Charts…
I bought a Spray Can of this color from him at the TCA York Show in April. He is also on-line and will send it as well as the shows. Link below: (the Web Site music is also good)