My buddy just bought the Nascar Dale Ernhart set and this is what it said on the box when we took it out of the brown shipping box. Anyone notice this on any other sets or is this a “rare” mistake?
Back when I was getting started with Lionel, everything was ages 8 and up.
I guess that now that I’m past the 8 year old mark(I was 6 when I got my first set), they’ve decided to raise it again.
Guess that I’d better put all my trains up for the next year and a half until I’m old enough, according to the box, to play with them.
That is 21 months…My Grandsons sure enjoy their Thomas set…It is very easy to child-proof the 120 volt part, simply remove the transformer when an adult isn’t supervising…Opps, I better stop jabbering; I might be giving some of your wifes and girlfriends a nasty idea on how to get some guys away from their layouts-----ya, I think I had better shut up!!!
No, it’s not a mistake[swg]. Since Dale drove the Budwieser Beer Chevrolet, therefore this is an “adult” collectible item, so it had to be labelled as such. More idiotic “Political Correctness” at work in America-- (steps off [soapbox] ).
Well,then so much for getting one of those sets for my Grandsons,Judge Judy would most likely hang me??/!!
That is so funny.
Is this a decent set? with its transformer?
Wholesale trains has it for $119.00 but if it is whimpy and not worth it, no bargain, right?
It’s a real nice set has the tainsounds and all. It was his first Lionel set and it came with everything, track, train, and transformer.
But that funny that cause of the beer connection its 21 and up.
One question here. No, two. First, what constitutes an “adult” and secondly, will vendors be fined or jailed for selling these sets to a minor? [:O][:O]
Guys this has been this way for so long I forget when it started. The next time your in Wallmart take a walk to the toy section. Next look at the Diecast NASCAR cars. You will notice there are no BEER LOGOS. Your simply not permitted to market items with beer logos, etc to kids. So yes per federal law you can not sell a youth a COORS LIGHT train set.
It doesn’t make any sense because Coors Light is harmless bottled water.
Guys this has been this way for so long I forget when it started. The next time your in Wallmart take a walk to the toy section. Next look at the Diecast NASCAR cars. You will notice there are no BEER LOGOS. Your simply not permitted to market items with beer logos, etc to kids.
LOL!! Your Tax dollars at work… Protecting us all from an image, a photograph or Logo… Big Brother will save your children from the evil Toy Train Makers… Have we all really become this stupid!!!
Man, you guys better be carefull! The Federal Dept. of Political Correctness Enforcement may be monitoring this thread. As for me, I’m getting outta here before I become a suspect!
LOL Good one…! You’re so right!
So if I buy this set and give it to my 4 yo daughter could I be charged with “Contributing to the delinquency of a minor”?[%-)]
I might of made a little mistake,[:I]
This might be a self imposed rule to stop federal action.
I might of made a little mistake,
This might be a self imposed rule to stop federal action.
The mistake is not yours… The mistake is taking a toy train too seriously… Years ago MADD made a big stink over the Lionel Alcohol Billboard Reefers, Sambuca, Jim Beam, yada,yada,yada… My guess is kids who actually play with trains are a lot less likely to drink than those who don’t. I can’t believe some chuckleheads think otherwise.
Betsy et al, CTT reviewed a NASCAR set. The review should be on the website. In my opinion, they liked the concept but were disappointed at some of the execution…
If they mean mentally 21 to adult, a lot of us are in trouble. I have to go play with my trains now.
Just a little additional note-- I bought my sister an MTH Budwieser flat with trailer(has the Clydedales & the beer wagon on the sides) it’s in a bright red box and clearly printed in the top right corner are those two words: Adult Collectible. Doesn’t have an age restriction though[:-,]
Its the usual double standard, they advertise beer on TV, for example Sunday afternoon(s), when all children are not in bed, but we can’t have them on a toy train. Either activity will be supervised by an adult anyway. Whatta world.