Recently aquired Pre war 225 loco cow catcher is completely gone
Is the steam chest the same as 224 or is it a 675 type?
Recently aquired Pre war 225 loco cow catcher is completely gone
Is the steam chest the same as 224 or is it a 675 type?
I don’t own a 225, but a quick search on olsens sie says ituses the steamchest from a 226. I would think that one from a postwar Berkshire or a 2046, 2056, or 646 Hudson would fit since those models are based on the 226. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me will tell you for sure.
J White
A 224E is a slightly smaller engine is size and the cow catcher will not look right and will have to modified to work with a 225E.
The cylinder cowcatcher assembly from 675, 2025, 2035 will also fit and is almost identical to the original except for the addition of a cast on uncoupler bar.