Lionel 254 nameplate?

I just got a Lionel 254 electric to restore, and one of the cab’s brass plates (windows/door/name) is missing.

I’ve already checked with The Train Tender, and he doesn’t have any. Does anyone here know where I could get one? Or maybe someone has an extra they’re willing to part with?

Bumping this back up for just in case.

You probably don’t want to deal with Ebay, but there is a 254 cab, mostly complete, no frame that is listed. It looks like it would provide the parts you are looking for. IF you are interested in the item it is Item# 130487310067, or listed as Lionel Train #254. Forgot to write down the opening bid, but think it is listed at $9.99, plus shipping. Just thought I would throw it out there for you. Good Luck.

I’ll keep an eye on that one. If it starts getting bids I’ll leave it alone (don’t want to buy a whole new shell), but if it doesn’t sell, I might contact the seller to see if I can get just the one part (it’s worth a try, right?). I’ve seen the plates come up in auctions once or twice before, so if I can’t get them now, I guess I’ll just have to keep waiting.

Been searching for 6 months now, and I still haven’t been able to find one. So, I thought I’d bring this back and ask again if anyone knows where I might find one?[:)] Or if anyone has an extra, I’d be willing to buy it.[:)]

The plate that’s pictured has since been polished to a near mirror shine, and it has a clear lacquer coat to protect it from tarnish. The main things left on the 254 are painting the shell, forming the handrails, and getting that last cab plate. It’s gonna look reeaal good when it’s done![:D] All that brass and nickel on the semi-streamlined body is why the 254 is my favorite of all the prewar O gauge electrics.[:D]

I finally found one![:D] Had to get a partial shell with it, but at least I’ll have a complete engine now.[:D] I’ll put a picture or two up once I’ve got it.